pre-ref 17  

Ref. 17:
This reference is in Swedish.  It shows the public record of what happened in Parliament on that sordid day (June 5, 2002) when they voted to open the doors for adoption of orphans by homosexual partners.  The decision was preceded by a lengthy debate with no less than 108 ‘statements’ (Sw.: “anföranden”) under paragraph 10, including many rebuttals.  The statements and rebuttals are numbered 21 through 128.  The voting record is listed under para. 18 towards the end (under “LU27;  Partnership, adoption etc.”).  Translated into your language the voting record reads:

Prop. 2001/02:123
LU27 Partnership, adoption etc.
Point 1 (Rejection of proposition regarding adoption and guardianship)
1. Proposal
2. Reservation (kd)
198 in favor of proposal
38 in favor of reservation
71 abstained
42 absent
Parliament passed proposal.
Distribution of votes cast:
In favor of proposal: 118 Social Democrats, 9 Moderates, 34 Left Party, 12 Center Party, 15 Environment Party, 9 People’s Party
In favor of the reservation: 1 Moderate, 37 Christian Democrats
Abstained: 60 Moderates, 4 Center Party, 6 People’s Party
Absent: 13 Social Democrats, 11 Moderates, 9 Left Party, 5 Christian Democrats 2 Center Party, 1 Environment Party, 1 People’s Party
Anne-Katrine Dunker (m) and Runar Patriksson (fp) noted that they had intended to abstain but had been marked for a ‘Yes’

For a look at the original text in Swedish click here (file size: 696 k)